Hello everybody:
Since we did the last MILONGA many good things happens.
Alejandro is back in Argentina and move to the beautyfull Salta province (in the norht of the country)
Living and working in a really nice and very small village called "La Caldera" where the sun always shine! and is located only 22km away from Salta city, conected by a route that goes between the mountains and a river...
He works there in a cozy and nice HOTEL (with swiming pool and delicious restaurant) where all friends of "La Milonga de Noordwijk" will be very welcome to visit for a day or stay as long as you wish in your travels to Argentina.
To have a better idea take a short look to the site:
http://www.hosterialacaldera.blogspot.com/ or http://www.hosterialacaldera.com.ar/
Hope to see you soon and thanks to all for the special time we shared on the milongas nights!
We will miss you very much!
Daisy Bogaards & Alejandro Sautu
Argentinean Tangosalon 6 March 21.00
~La Milonga de Noordwijk~
Just arriving from his holidays in Buenos Aires
Playing the best tangos to dance!
From GERMANY the visit of:
With a beautifull
Also special workshops
(more info below)
dance performance
Also special workshops
(more info below)
dance performance
Veronica Estevez
Tangopause but fun with
A selection of folk songs to dance from what we learned with Marcelo Alvarez in the "Secret Tango night"
with their beautifull shoes.
Like "Jazz, Blues & Rock"all of them have a jam session once in a while.
La Milonga de Noordwijk too!
Our stage will be open for the musicians who may like to show their TANGO works & promote it!
With a real audience and the dancers on the dancefloor.(bring your own instrument)
La Milonga de Noordwijk
"Argentinean Tangosalon"
in Klooster.
Hoofdstraat 96
Noordwijk aan zee.
In one place.
In one night.
You will have
2 workshops before doors open
2 dance couples doing Tango dance performance!
The best Tangos to dance played by
In a beautifull church
Art gallery near to the sea...
Drinks 2,50euro
Free parking
Easy to reach by train and buses.
You and your friends!
The result is
Always good!
Is once a month!
Saturday 6 march.
21.00 to 01.00
~La Milonga de Noordwijk~
"Argentinean Tangosalon"
Entrance 10 euro
(Reservations by mail or confirmed
"attending"in our Facebook event entrance 8.50euro)
Organized by:
Daisy Bogaards
&Alejandro Sautú
"Argentinean Tangosalon"
in Klooster.
Hoofdstraat 96
Noordwijk aan zee.
More about Iliona and Salvador Rios...
Workshops March 6 in "La Milonga de Noordwijk"
La Milonga de Noordwijk
"Argentinean Tangosalon"
Two Special Workshops of
"Boleos y Sacadas & Secuencias para Vals"
Veronica Estevez
Raphael Dorothea
(From Alma de Tango)
(From Alma de Tango)
Date: March 6
Starting workshop 1 at 18:00 (O'clock)
Starting workshop 2 at 19.30 (O'clock)
till 21.00
when the milonga doors are open for dancers.
Where: "La Milonga de Noordwijk"
Address: Hoofdstraat 96 Noordwijk aan zee.
Workshop 1: Boleos y Sacadas
Workshop 2: Secuencias para vals
One workshops 15 euro p.p
Two workshops 25 euro p.p
Entrance to milonga 10euros
By attending to any of the workshops
entrance to milonga 8.50euro p.p
Reservations by mail milonganoordwijk@live.nl or in our Facebook events list.
"Veronica & Raphael on the stage"
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We are searching...
Because this is not the last!
We'll looking for Tango dancers, tango musician and tango lovers of all ages to join (or work with) us.
We'll looking for Tango dancers, tango musician and tango lovers of all ages to join (or work with) us.
E-Mail adress:
Any comment, questions or message? Click in "comentarios" located below of any post we publish or send us a e-mail to milonganoordwijk@live.nl and/or suscribe in the link at the botton to receibe the news.